Why Effective Training is Essential for Human Resources

Why Effective Training is Essential for Human Resources


As the field of human resources continues to evolve, it's become more important than ever to invest in employee training and development. By providing effective training programs, employers can help their HR staff stay up-to-date on the latest industry trends, improve their skills, and increase their job satisfaction. In this post, we'll discuss the benefits of effective HR training and provide tips for developing and implementing a successful training program. Training human resources is an essential process in an organization to ensure the workforce is equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their job roles. Effective training programs can improve productivity, reduce turnover rates, and boost employee morale. In this post, we'll discuss what training human resources is, why it's important, and the processes that can be done in an organization to develop successful training programs. 

Training and development are essential components of organizational growth and success. There are several reasons why training and development are important:

  • Improving employee performance: Training and development can improve employee performance by helping them acquire new knowledge, skills, and abilities that are necessary for their job roles. This can lead to increased productivity and efficiency, and better job performance.
For example, a study published in the International Journal of Training and Development found that employees who received training on customer service skills had higher levels of job satisfaction and performed better on customer service evaluations compared to employees who did not receive training.
  • Retaining talent: Investing in employee development programs can help organizations retain their top talent. When employees feel valued and have opportunities for growth and advancement, they are more likely to stay with the organization.
  • Addressing skills gaps: Training and development can help address skills gaps within an organization. This is particularly important in today's rapidly changing business environment, where employees need to constantly update their skills to keep up with new technologies and trends.
For example, a survey by the Society for Human Resource Management found that organizations that provided training and development opportunities for employees were more likely to report that their employees had the necessary skills to meet current and future job demands.

  • Boosting employee morale: Training and development programs can boost employee morale by showing employees that their organization values their professional growth and development. This can lead to increased job satisfaction and motivation.
  • Improving organizational performance: When employees are well-trained and have the necessary skills to perform their job roles, they can help improve organizational performance. This can lead to increased profitability, better customer satisfaction, and a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

What is Training Human Resources?

Training human resources involves the process of developing and delivering training programs to improve the skills and knowledge of the workforce. These programs can include on-the-job training, classroom training, online learning, and coaching.

Why is Training Human Resources Important?

Effective training programs are critical for ensuring that employees have the skills and knowledge needed to perform their job duties successfully. Training programs can also help organizations to meet regulatory requirements, improve employee engagement, and increase retention rates.

                               Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLr-xaQEnkE

Processes for Successful Training Programs:

  • Needs Assessment: The first step in developing an effective training program is to conduct a needs assessment to identify the specific training needs of the workforce.
  • Learning Objectives: Develop clear learning objectives that align with the identified training needs. This will help ensure that the training program is focused and relevant.
  • Delivery Method: Choose the appropriate delivery method for the training program, such as classroom training, online learning, or on-the-job training.
  • Trainer Selection: Select a trainer who has the necessary expertise and experience to deliver the training program effectively.
  • Evaluation: Evaluate the effectiveness of the training program to determine if the learning objectives were met and if there are any areas for improvement.
  • Continuous Improvement: Continuously improve the training program by incorporating feedback and updating the training materials to keep them current.

In conclusion, training human resources is a critical process in an organization that can improve employee performance and retention rates. By following the processes outlined above, organizations can develop effective training programs that meet the specific needs of their workforce and contribute to the success of the organization.

Benefits of Effective HR Training:

Improved Performance: Effective training can help HR staff perform their job duties more efficiently and effectively, resulting in improved overall performance.

Increased Job Satisfaction: When employees feel that their employer is investing in their professional development, they are more likely to feel satisfied and engaged in their work.

Enhanced Employee Retention: By providing training opportunities, employers can improve employee retention rates by demonstrating their commitment to employee development.

Compliance with Regulations: HR staff needs to be aware of the latest laws and regulations affecting the workplace. Effective training can help ensure compliance and avoid potential legal issues.

Tips for Developing and Implementing a Successful HR Training Program:

  • Identify Training Needs: Conduct a needs assessment to identify the specific training needs of your HR staff. This may include technical skills, soft skills, and compliance training.
  • Develop Clear Learning Objectives: Develop clear learning objectives that align with the identified training needs. This will help ensure that the training program is focused and relevant.
  • Choose the Right Training Methods: Consider a variety of training methods, such as classroom training, online learning, and on-the-job training, to ensure that the training program is engaging and effective.
  • Evaluate the Training Program: After the training program is complete, evaluate its effectiveness to determine if the learning objectives were met and if there are any areas for improvement.

Here are some examples of companies that have improved their success by investing in training and development programs for their employees:

  • IBM: IBM is a technology company that has a long history of investing in employee training and development. The company offers a variety of training programs, including technical training, leadership development, and professional development programs. IBM has found that investing in employee training and development has helped the company remain competitive in the rapidly changing technology industry. In fact, IBM has reported that its employee training programs have contributed to its success in developing innovative products and services (Source: IBM).

  • AT&T: AT&T is a telecommunications company that has also seen success through its investments in employee training and development. The company offers a variety of training programs, including technical training, leadership development, and sales training programs. AT&T has found that these programs have helped improve employee performance and customer satisfaction, which has contributed to the company's success in the telecommunications industry (Source: AT&T).

  • McDonald's: McDonald's is a fast food chain that has invested heavily in employee training and development. The company offers a variety of training programs, including customer service training, management training, and leadership development programs. McDonald's has found that investing in employee training and development has helped improve customer satisfaction and employee retention, which has contributed to the company's success in the fast food industry (Source: McDonald's).


  • General Electric (GE): General Electric is a multinational conglomerate that has invested in employee training and development for many years. The company offers a variety of training programs, including leadership development, technical training, and Six Sigma training programs. GE has found that investing in employee training and development has helped improve employee performance, reduce costs, and increase efficiency, which has contributed to the company's success in various industries (Source: GE).

Overall, these companies have found that investing in employee training and development can help improve employee performance, customer satisfaction, and organizational success.


  • Society for Human Resource Management. (n.d.). Training and Development. Retrieved from https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/trends-and-forecasting/research-and-surveys/pages/traininganddevelopment.aspx
  • U.S. Office of Personnel Management. (n.d.). Employee Development. Retrieved from https://www.opm.gov/wiki/training/Employeedevelopment.aspx
  • Training Industry. (2021). Why Is Training Important? Retrieved from https://trainingindustry.com/articles/content-development/why-is-training-important/
  • HR Daily Advisor. (2021). 6 Steps for Creating Effective Employee Training Programs. Retrieved from https://hrdailyadvisor.blr.com/2021/02/08/6-steps-for-creating-effective-employee-training-programs/
  • PayScale. (2021). The Benefits of Training and Development for Individuals and Teams. https://www.payscale.com/compensation-today/2019/08/the-benefits-of-training-and-development-for-individuals-and-teams
  • Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). (2019). Why Employee Development Is Important, Neglected and Can Cost You Talent. https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hr-topics/organizational-and-employee-development/pages/why-employee-development-is-important-neglected-and-can-cost-you-talent.aspx
  • Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). (2018). The Importance of Effective Training. https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hr-topics/organizational-and-employee-development/pages/the-importance-of-effective-training.aspx
  • Daley, S. (2021). The Role of Training and Development in Human Resource Management. Villanova University. https://www.villanovau.com/resources/hr/the-role-of-training-and-development-in-human-resource-management/#:~:text=Training%20and%20development%20play%20a,success%20in%20the%20long%20run.
  • IBM. (n.d.). Skills and Training. https://www.ibm.com/employment/skills-and-training/
  • AT&T. (n.d.). Learning and Development. https://about.att.com/sites/traininganddevelopment
  • McDonald's. (n.d.). Our Approach to Training & Development. https://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en-us/about-us/training-and-development.html
  • General Electric (GE). (n.d.). GE Learning and Development. https://www.ge.com/careers/learning-and-development


  1. Thank you for sharing information Gayan . Training and development programs provide a host of benefits. They enhance employee performance, boost employee productivity, reduce employee turnover, and improve company culture. Explore the importance of training and development programs for employees and employers by pursuing a career in human resources. Training is important because it represents a good opportunity for employees to grow their knowledge base and improve their job skills to become more effective in the workplace. Despite the cost of training for employees, the return on investment is immense if it is consistent.

    The Importance of Training Employees: 11 Benefits | Indeed.com

    https://www.indeed.com › ... › Career development

    1. A excellent method to express your appreciation for their feedback is to specifically state that you have read and addressed their comment.

  2. This article has highlighted the importance of effective training for HR. Effective training is essential for human resources because it can improve employee performance, retention, adaptability, and compliance, while also providing a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

    1. Showing that you read and responded to their comment is a great way to show that you value their input. Thank you so much Mr. Chathura


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